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Why it’s important to have a Customer Relationship Management Database? 

Many small and medium-sized charities, faith organizations and NGOs have hesitated to adopt technology because they believe that software such as a CRM is just for larger organisations, they lack the technical skills required for complex platforms, or they are held back due to the high costs.

Smart Giving’s Customer relationship management (CRM) is a platform that is used for managing all your organization’s relationships and interactions with donors and potential donors. 

CRM capabilities are extremely beneficial to mission-driven organizations. From maintaining strong relationships with constituents to segmenting supporters by cause and interest areas, tracking membership activities, and streamlining the donation process, CRMs give non-profits the power to manage their data confidently and effectively. 

Here are some of the benefits of having a CRM

Centralise Member Information

Many nonprofit organizations rely on Excel spreadsheets to store and manage contact data. The challenge is that storing data in different spreadsheets, managed by different people, can result in incomplete or outdated data, and makes tracking historical data nearly impossible. Not to mention requires a great deal of time and resources to manage.

A CRM allows nonprofits to store all that data in one, organised place, easily managed by various team members over time.

Know Your Audience

A CRM keeps track and records the activities of your donors. By analyzing your donor’s actions, such as the events they’ve attended or the most recent volunteering campaign they signed up for, or which campaigns they have donated to, a CRM gives you a 360-degree view of your target donors’ behaviors. This data will give you the insight to tailor a relationship-building strategy that best suits your fundraising campaigns.

Segment Donors By Interest

Segmenting contact lists is a daunting task especially when data is outdated, inaccurate, and/or not in the same format. A CRM ensures that you have high-quality data and can easily segment your lists by the criteria you’ve set up. You can then segment and tag contacts by, for example, constituent type, interest area, geographic location.

The benefits of creating automated processes here and directing donors or potential donors to appropriate content and campaigns is incredibly valuable, especially when it comes to creating engagement or requesting support.

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