About US

We’re specialists in digital transformation

We aim to make the business of faith organisations, charities, non-profits and professional networks simpler, more efficient and cost-effective so that they can focus on what they’re good at and let our tech take care of everything else.

Our Story

Our members are here to serve the community and make the world a better place. They work tirelessly to provide the community with a diverse set of services to uplift, inspire, and educate everyone that engages with them. But they also face internal challenges especially relating to fundraising and the technology that drives it.

During the pandemic, many charities and faith organisations were crippled when their doors were shut, and donations nose-dived overnight. Those that adopted new technology platforms were safe. Those that didn’t felt the pinch the hardest.

But it’s not their fault. Technology for managing charities and faith organisations has been expensive, with data held in silos making it difficult to bring together and make sense of it.  And when organisations rely on volunteers most of the time, maintaining the skills to understand how these platforms work and integrate becomes extremely difficult.

We realised that if we could package just the right amount of functionality in one place and keep it simple, it would massively help any organisation to run more efficiently and grow their donations massively.

According to a study by Fidelity Charitable, donors’ top concerns are:

  • They feel uneasy when they cannot determine a charity’s credibility or trustworthiness
  • That their donations will not be put to good use
  • The frustration of a charity not telling them how their charitable donation was used.

With this in mind, we set about designing a platform that would deliver meaningful, immediate value to our members by:

  • Making the organisation look professional and bringing them up to date with fundraising tech
  • Streamlining their business operations
  • Automate communication with its members
  • Reducing their software operating costs by 50%, and
  • Providing insights into donor activity

Our Awesome Team

Mike Dodier

Mike Dodier

Co-Founder & CEO

The best closer in the business!

Mike Flaherty

Mike Flaherty

Co-Founder and Head of Partnerships

Fanatical about American Football!

Scott Kerbel

Scott Kerbel

Investor Relations

Enjoys number crunching and raising lots of money.

Nadeem Mohammed

Nadeem Mohammed

Co-Founder & CTO

The nerd of the business!

Chan Mohammed

Chan Mohammed

Customer Experience Officer

Enjoys a natter and laugh with our members.

Tina Nandha

Tina Nandha

Head of Social Media

Does a lot of likes, comments, and pokes and peeks

Reddy Tirumaleswar

Reddy Tirumaleswar

Director of Development

Speaks techi, dreams techi, does techi!



Lead Architect

Does a lot of ticky-typey and makes wonderful things happen on the screen!

Our Values


Customer Focused

Listening to customers, delivering results that matter, and building success stories together is what matters most to us.


We share information and ideas freely, ensuring that others can benefit from the things we learn through failures and successes

Good Natured

We’re genuinely nice people and we treat our members and team with respect.


We are tenacious in pursuit of our goals, and believe that success in life is proportional to the effort we put in.

What We Do Best








Have fun!

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!